Timely Access to New Information and Ideas for Your Practice
- An international network of colleagues available through the AFCC online searchable directory.
- AFCC webinars provide continuing education from the comfort of your home or office.
- The monthly AFCC eNEWS provides practice tips, research updates, relevant news and keeps members informed about AFCC events and initiatives.
- Subscription to Family Court Review, AFCC’s quarterly academic and research journal in print and electronic formats.
- Online access to Family Court Review archives beginning with the first issue in 1963.
- Online Resource Center for Professionals and Parents.
- The AFCC Parenting Coordination Network (listserv) offers the opportunity to share techniques and referrals and network with members who serve as parenting coordinators or are interested in this role.
- Reports, research and practice guidelines and standards from The AFCC Center for Excellence in Family Court Practice inform the work of practitioners with the most up-to-date thinking in the field.
- Referrals and assistance from the AFCC staff to help you find the information you need.

Top Ten Reasons to Join AFCC: According to our Members
1. Learning, learning, learning! I belong to AFCC because I want cutting-edge learning opportunities. AFCC offers national, international and local programs that are extremely relevant to my daily work. Once you attend an AFCC conference you become hooked on the high-quality learning opportunities!
2. Cutting edge research and knowledge. I appreciate getting to know and learning from the people who write the books and articles. I look forward to reading the Family Court Review…it is a treasure trove of the latest, greatest, most relevant information! Belonging to AFCC enables me to be well informed about what is currently known, as well as what is not yet known.
3. Innovative programs. From co-parent education, to parent coordination and elder coordination, to therapeutic programs and court based services, AFCC is on the leading edge of innovative services and programs. No need to reinvent the wheel if you are a member of AFCC! Resources and information about a wide range of interventions and best practices are readily accessible to members.
4. Discourse and Debate. Bar none, AFCC is the best place to hear and engage in debate on the really difficult questions. You hear multiple perspectives and can make up your own mind. AFCC never shies away from addressing the most challenging issues in family law.
5. Colleagues and Friends. As a professional organization, AFCC has some of the friendliest people I have ever met! You experience true collegiality without egos. I have made lifelong, wonderful friendships within AFCC…this is what happens when you bring people who are committed to excellence together.
6. Global and Diverse Perspectives. Being a member of AFCC helps me understand the perspectives of professionals from various disciplines. I immensely value having access to international experts and being a part of international collaboration.
7. A Multidisciplinary Home. AFCC is a multidisciplinary home for those who work at the interface of psychology, family law, dispute resolution, and education. We are a diverse group, defined by our commitment to helping children and families in conflict. I find membership in AFCC to be more relevant and valuable than my memberships in other association!
8. Dedication to Excellence. No organization identifies and promotes best practices for working with families in conflict better than AFCC. I belong to AFCC because it truly makes the world a little better place.
9. Discounts and Scholarships. Membership in AFCC is a bargain! The dues are extremely reasonable for what you get. Member discounts and scholarships are just a few of the perks that come with membership.
10. Information at your fingertips. The AFCC website is the first place I go when I need information and resources. The monthly AFCC eNEWS quickly updates me on the latest news and events, and alerts me to emerging issues and innovations. Family Court Review articles back to 1963 can be accessed in a few clicks if you are a member. Belonging to AFCC keeps me at the top of my professional game!